Student Affairs Assessment

The Office of Student Affairs is dedicated to supporting a culture of evidence-based decision making at UAA and provides consultative support for Student Affairs assessment projects and data needs. OSA provides assistance with departmental and divisional assessment efforts to strengthen student learning, development and success through organized research and assessment initiatives and the mining and analysis of institution and student performance data.

SA Assessment Overview


Student Affairs Annual Report

Student in graduation garb, smiling

Informs the UAA community and other stakeholders of the annual contributions of UAA Student Affairs divisions, departments, programs, and employees. The EOY Report highlights SA’s mission and purpose, significant facts and figures, points of pride, updates on progress made toward goal attainment from the previous year, and priorities and objectives for the upcoming year. 

Student Affairs Annual Report Academic Year 2021-22

You may also email to request a PDF version.


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Data Points

Illustrates SA mission and core theme fulfillment, contributions to UAA Core Theme indicators, program performance and outcomes.

Screenshot of KPI Dashboard



Findings and Reports

Student Affairs publishes a number of reports annually. Featured reports are available on the Findings and Reports page.

Assessment Intranet

Intranet site contains resources for staff and faculty, including:

  • Assessment Archive
  • Qualtrics & Survey Guidelines
  • Assessment Resources
  • Student Affairs SharePoint Reporting site