Maria Ippolito

Department of Psychology
NSB 215

(907) 786-1718


  • Ph.D., Bowling Green State University, 1998 
  • M.A., Bowling Green State University, 1993 
  • Post-Undergraduate Study, Northwestern University 
  • B.A., Knox College, 1972

Teaching Responsibilities

  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Child and Adolescent Development
  • General Psychology
  • Lifespan Development
  • Personality
  • Positive Psychology
  • Psychopathology of Childhood and Adolescence

Professional & Department Service

  • Board Secretary and Member, 21st Century Community Learning Centers
  • Faculty Senator-Social Sciences
  • Student Club Faculty Sponsor, International Youth Fellowship
  • Member-Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Honest and Integrity
  • Faculty Mentor-UAA Innovations and E-Learning
  • Recipient of Certification on Online Teaching and Member-Online Learning Consortium
  • Coordinator-Children's Mental Health Undergraduate Advisor

Research Interests

  • Creativity, problem-solving, and the development of expertise
  • Pedagogical issues relevant to the teaching of psychology


Ippolito, M. F. (2005). Problem representation in Virginia Woolf’s invention of a novelistic form. In M. E. Gorman, A. Kincannon, D. Gooding, and R. D. Tweney (Eds.) Scientific and technological thinking (pp. 219-258). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 

Ippolito, M. F. & Tweney, R. D. (2003). Virginia Woolf and the journey to Jacob's Room: The "network of enterprise" of Virginia Woolf's first experimental novel. Creativity Research Journal, 15, 25-43. 

Ippolito, M. F. (2002). Cognitive science. ln P. Gossin (Ed.) An encyclopedia of literature and science (pp. 80-81). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 

Ippolito, M. F. (2002). Problem solving. In P. Gossin (Ed.) An encyclopedia of literature and science (p. 360). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 

Ippolito, M. F. (2002). Robert Hooke. In P. Gossin (Ed.) An encyclopedia of literature and science (p. 197). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 

Ippolito, M. F. (2002). Virginia Woolf. In P. Gossin (Ed.) An encyclopedia of literature and Science (pp. 502-503). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 

Dubow, E. F., Arnett, M., Smith, K., & Ippolito, M. F. (2001). Predictors of future expectations of inner-city children: A nine-month prospective study. Journal of Early Adolescence, 21, 5-28. 

D'Imperio, R. L., Dubow, E. F., & Ippolito, M. F. (2000). Resilient and stress-affected adolescents in an urban setting. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 29, 129-142. 

Griffith, M. , Dubow, E. F., & Ippolito, M. F. (2000). Developmental and cross-situational differences in adolescents' coping strategies.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 29, 183-204. 

Ippolito, M. F. (1999). Virginia Woolf. In M. A. Runco & S. Pritzker (Eds.) Encyclopedia of creativity (pp. 709-714). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 

Tweney, R. D., Duncan, S. F., Ippolito, M. F., & Kurz, E. M. (1998). (Abstract). Toward a general Theory of scientific discovery. In M. A. Gernsbacher & S. J. Derry (Eds.) Proceedings of the twentieth annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society (p. 1271). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 

Dubow, E. F., Edwards, S., & Ippolito, M. F. (1997). Life stressors, neighborhood disadvantage, and resources: A focus on inner-city children's adjustment. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 26, 130-144. 

Ippolito, M. F. & Tweney, R. D. (1997). On telling left from right: The apparatus of handedness in early American psychology. In W. G. Bringmann, H. E. Leuck, R. Miller, & C. E. Early (Eds.) A pictorial history of psychology (pp. 490-500). Carol Stream, IL: Quintessence Publishing Company. 

Silverman, I. W. & Ippolito, M. F. (1997). Goal-directedness and its relation to inhibitory control among toddlers. Infant Behavior and Development, 20, 271-273. 

Ippolito, M. F. & Tweney, R. D. (1995). The inception of insight. In R. J. Sternberg & J. E. Davidson (Eds.) The nature of insight (pp. 433-462). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Silverman, I. W. & Ippolito, M. F. (1995). Maternal antecedents of delay ability in young children. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 16, 569-591. 

Dubow, E. F. & Ippolito, M. F. (1994). Effects of poverty and quality of the home environment on changes in the academic and behavioral adjustment of elementary school-age children. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 23, 401-412. 

Ippolito, M. F. (1994). Commentary on M. Boden's the creative mind: conscious thought-Processes and Creativity. Behavior and Brain Sciences, 17, 546-547. 

Tweney, R. D. & M. F. Ippolito (1994). (Abstract.) Scientific creativity: Some cognitive-historical reflections (Symposium on Scientific Creativity: Multidisciplinary Perspectives.) In A. Ram & K. Eiselt (Eds.). Proceedings of the sixteenth annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, (p. 986). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
