MLK Student Appreciation Event

Green banner that says MLK Student Appreciation

You are Invited: MLK Student Appreciation Celebration

As a part of UAA's commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we are recognizing UAA students who make positive contributions to our institution by:

  • serving in a variety of leadership roles in student organizations,
  • working behind the scenes for numerous departments, and
  • giving of themselves in their courses above and beyond the expected.

Taken from Dr. King's theme, "Everyone makes a difference," we are proud to honor the Seawolves who Make A Difference in our community!

Which students can be recommended?

UAA has many students who give of themselves in ways that are often not recognized. This is your chance to acknowledge any student who has made a difference.

Who can recommend students?

Any UAA staff or faculty member may recommend students. We request you limit recommendations to up to five students.

The deadline for recommendations is Sunday, January 21, 2023 by 11:59pm.

We look forward to celebrating our students and the legacy of Dr. King at the 2024 MLK Student Appreciation.

If you have any questions about this event, please call (907) 786-1219 or email

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speaking to the crowd at the Washington Monument.