CAS Celebration of Students Program

Header image from event programCelebration of Students 

Friday, April 26, 2024 | 3:00 PM | Fine Arts Building, Recital Hall, Room 150

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Kristy Deacon photo

Kristy Deacon
Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ Native Studies
Kristy Deacon is a sophomore pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ Native Studies and a minor in Art. Kristy was born and raised in Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ. Kristy is Deg Xinag Athabaskan. In addition to her studies, Kristy is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (honor society for students enrolled in any associate degree program). Kristy is studying to be an art therapist, which she plans to pursue following her graduation.

Sasha Addison photo

Sasha Addison
Anthropology & Geography
Sasha Addison is a senior pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology with minors in Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ Native Studies and History. Sasha’s educational interests lie in educational and cultural anthropology, and she is conducting a research project with the ASD Indigenous Education Department to investigate Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ History, Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ Native Studies, and Natural Sciences curriculum at Anchorage public high schools. Sasha is the vice president of the Anthropology Club, a student in the UAA Honors College, and a McNair Scholar. After graduation, Sasha plans on continuing her education in Anthropology and Education.
Avery Krompacky photoAvery Krompacky
Avery Krompacky is a sophomore pursuing his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art with an emphasis in ceramics. He currently works to maintain facilities, develop programming, and teach classes at Turnagain Ceramics. In March, Avery held his first solo art show at a cafe in Talkeetna, Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ. Avery plans to spend his summer working, hiking, researching wild clay and testing applications of bootleggers cove clay at mid-fire ceramic temperatures.
Maggie Gibson photo
Maggie Gibson
Biological Sciences
Maggie Gibson is a senior pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences. A dedicated student, Maggie's passion for marine and wildlife biology has driven her academic journey, including her research experiences with the US Geological Survey, where she contributed to the study of sea otters in Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ by collecting teeth for cementum analysis. Additionally, Maggie volunteers with Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ Veterinary Pathology Services, an opportunity that has provided her with hands-on experience in wildlife necropsies. Maggie is excited to further her contributions to the field of biological sciences and make a positive impact on the conservation of wildlife ecosystems.
Aidan Pavia photoAidan Pavia
Aidan Pavia is a sophomore pursuing his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Aidan has participated in undergraduate research projects, including a project where the team investigated the co-solvent effect in a reaction system commonly used to model environmental reaction pathways that produce singlet oxygen. Aidan is currently working as a Peer Supplemental Instructor for Organic Chemistry, offering four hours of high-impact tutoring each week to UAA students. His near-future plans involve continued research with Dr. Redman and continued peer tutoring. After graduation, he intends to pursue an advanced degree in Chemistry. Outside of the classroom, Aidan enjoys downhill skiing, going on hikes, and playing with his two dogs.
Sophia Costales photoSophia Costales
Sophia Costales is a junior pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in English.Sophia lives in Soldotna, Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ with her family. After graduation, Sophia plans to work as a grant writer. Additionally, Sophie plans to continue to use her personal experiences and education to advocate for change and eliminate the stigma that surrounds people affected by substance abuse disorder. Sophie’s dream is that her five-year-old son can grow up in a community that is thriving, happy, and healthy.
Tyler Jones photo
Tyler Jones
Geological Sciences
Tyler Jones is a senior pursuing his Bachelor of Science in Geological Sciences. Prior to his time at UAA, Tyler served in the Navy for six years as an Aircrewman. During his time with the Navy. Tyler got to travel across most of the lower 48, including places like Florida, Maine, Texas, Virgina, and California. After his service, Tyler moved to San Jose California, where he had a successful career as a Windows support engineer in the Silicon Valley. Following a captivating trip to the Grand Canyon, Tyler decided to pursue a career as a Geologist. Tyler spends his time outside of the classroom with his wife and newborn child, studying, working out, and playing games.
Eli Williamson photoEli Williamson
 is a junior pursuing his Bachelor of Arts in History with a minor in Political Science. Originally from Haines, Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ, Eli has always known that the field of History was his calling. Eli now hopes to use that passion of the past to help others, with the ultimate goal of becoming an educator. When asked what his favorite period or type of history is, Eli always answers that his favorite type of history to study is early-modern to contemporary Russian history, but is happy to learn about just about any topic.
Kyle Ivacic photoKyle Ivacic
International Studies
Kyle Ivacic is a senior pursuing his Bachelor of Arts in International Studies with a minor in Political Science. Kyle is planning to graduate in the next academic year and will either pursue a master's degree or will enter the workforce to begin saving for one. Kyle's dream job is to join the Department of State as a Foreign Service Officer. Outside of the classroom, Kyle enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with family.
Taylor Heckart photoTaylor Heckart
Journalism and Public Communications
Taylor Heckart is a junior pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Public Communications with a minor in Political Science. During her time at UAA, Taylor has worked in Student Affairs, then with UAA's student publications The Northern Light, True North, and Understory.Taylor Heckart is an inquisitive, hardworking student who not only exudes a passion for learning, but inspires her fellow students with that same enthusiasm. When she is not busy with school, Taylor spends her time at work, reading for pleasure, and quilting. After graduation, Taylor hopes to get a job reporting in Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ.
Caleb Youn photoCaleb Youn
Caleb Youn is a junior pursuing his Bachelor of Arts in Languages with an emphasis in German and minors in both History and International Studies. Caleb is an active student in the community and on campus. He is the secretary of the German Culture Club, a loyal member of the Friday German conversation table, and a student counselor for the ASD German Camp. Caleb grew up with two mother tongues, English and Korean, and finds that learning languages is a key in overcoming cultural barriers and becoming a part of a bigger world. After graduation, Caleb plans to utilize his language degree in combination with his experience as a healthcare professional in Germany for several years to gain international experience.
Michael Earnhart photoMichael Earnhart
Mathematics and Statistics
Michael Earnhart is a junior pursuing his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Statistics and Computer Science. Outside of the classroom, Michael is a professional cross country skier. For the past several years, Michael has been a member of the United States National Nordic Ski team. Outside of school and cross-country skiing, Michael spends his time reading, cooking, and playing board games.
Hannah Klemm photoHannah Klemm
Hannah Klemm is a freshman pursuing her Bachelor of Music with a focus on vocal performance. Hannah has been singing for almost seven years and is experienced in many genres, including musical theater, classical, and pop. During the first year of her college music career, Hannah placed 4th with an honorable mention in the NATS regional competition and was cast as Cunegonde in the UAA opera ensemble’s Spring production of Candide. In addition to her musical career, she prioritizes academic studies. Hannah was a 2022 recipient of the UA Scholars Award. Hannah is looking forward to continuing her musical and academic journey.
Mercedes Hutchins photoMercedes Hutchins
Mercedes Hutchins is a junior pursuing her Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy with a minor in English. Mercedes was born and raised in Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ and her family is from Port Lions, a village on Kodiak Island. Mercedes is a first-generation student and the first in her immediate family to receive a degree — she received an Associate of Arts degree last summer in General Studies. Currently, Mercedes is working full time as a Compliance Manager & Paralegal at Afognak Native Corporation. After graduation, Mercedes would like to continue on to graduate school to advance her career in the legal field.
Nicolas Vanags photoNicolas Vanags
Physics and Astronomy
Nicolas Vanags is a senior pursuing an interdisciplinary Bachelors of Science in Physics-Mathematics with a minor in Philosophy. Nick is a first generation college student. He is currently engaged in a research project focused on understanding the role of supermassive black holes in galaxy evolution. Over the summer and into the next year, Nick is looking forward to continuing to advance and expand this work with Dr. Hicks. Nick aims to continue his education and earn a Ph.D. to study similar physical phenomena as a career.
Aaron Rayhbuck photoAaron Rayhbuck
Political Science
Aaron Rayhbuck is a junior pursuing his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. Aaron spent several years in the business sector, working in retail management when political events in the world stirred his conscience and curiosity, which led him to return to college. Aaron is a University Honors Scholar, and in 2022, he was nominated to represent Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ in the 73rd Student Conference on U.S. Affairs, hosted by the United States Military Academy. Aaron has also participated in several Little Platoon Seminars hosted by the Department of Political Science. Aaron has developed a reputation as a calm and incisive thinker, careful reader and model student.
Bk Kadrui photoBk Kadrui
Bk Kadrui is a junior pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Neuroscience. Bk is a motivated first generation college student with a passion to do research to disseminate to society for the future good. While at UAA, Bk has ensured that she seeks out all opportunities and resources at her disposal to ensure she has the knowledge and skills required for graduate school. Characterized by her ability to build positive relationships, Bk works well with others through leadership, humor and inclusivity.
Teigan Akagi photoTeigan Akagi
Theatre and Dance
Teigan Akagi is a sophomore pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in Dance. Taylor has a diverse educational background from studying in Denmark for her senior year of high school to the Mandarin Chinese immersion program she participated in from elementary to her freshman year of high school. As one of the first new students in the revitalized Theater & Dance program, Teigan is grateful to receive this scholarship and cannot wait to see where her educational career takes her.

2023-2024 CAS Scholarship Recipients

Over $75,000 in CAS scholarships were awarded in academic year 23-24 thanks to the generosity of our donors.
Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ Repertory Theatre Endowed Award
One Student Awarded
Becky Patterson and Murphy Turner Endowed Scholarship
Two Students Awarded
Clay Body Award
One Student Awarded
Edward Rollin Clinton Memorial Endowment
Three Students Awarded
Elaine Atwood Completion Scholarship
Two Students Awarded
Elaine Atwood Excellence Scholarship
Four Students Awarded
Elizabeth Tower Endowment for Candian Studies II
One Student Awarded
Everette K. Wagner Endowed Scholarship
Six Students Awarded
Excellence in Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ Native Studies Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Anthropology and Geography Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Art Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Arts and Sciences Award
Ten Students Awarded
Excellence in Biology Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Ceramics
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Chemistry Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in English Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Geology Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in History Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Journalism and Public Communications Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Languages Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Music
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Philosophy Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Psychology Award
One Student Awarded
Excellence in Women's Studies Award
One Student Awarded
Friends of the Performing Arts Scholarship
One Student Awarded
Governor William A. Egan Award
Two Students Awarded
Hecla Greens Creek Scholarship
Two Students Awarded
International Studies Excellence Award
One Student Awarded
Marguerite Downey Memorial Music Scholarship
One Student Awarded
Max Llanes Behind the Camera Endowed Scholarship (Award)
One Student Awarded
Everette K. Wagner Endowed Scholarship
Six Students Awarded
Mickey Belden Vocal Performance Endowed Scholarship
One Student Awarded
Elaine Atwood Completion Scholarship
Seven Students Awarded
Roger DeSmith Creative Art in Ceramics Scholarship
One Student Awarded


*Other students in CAS received scholarships for athletics, financial aid, community scholarships, performance scholarships, etc., but are not recognized here. The scholarship recipients recognized here are because of philanthropy to CAS. Thank you!

 Special thanks to our event supporter:

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View 2023 Celebration of Student Recipients

View 2022 Celebration of Student Recipients