
All M.S. Biological Sciences graduate students are required to complete a written thesis. The  are detailed in the UAA Biological Sciences Graduate Student Handbook.

It is very important that students follow the guidelines and deadlines in the .  Failure to follow these guidelines could result in having to postpone graduation.

Academic Year Graduate Thesis Submission Deadlines

These deadlines provide the Director of Biological Sciences and the College Dean with sufficient time to read theses and return them to students for review and editing prior to submission to the next level. Edits and revisions can, and likely will, be required at each stage of the process. Students are therefore encouraged to leave more time than indicated below.

Thesis Deadline for the Department of Biological Sciences for review and signature are as follows:

  • Fall                    November 4
  • Spring               April 1
  • Summer            June 12

Thesis Deadline for the College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office for review and signature are as follows:

  • Fall                    November 18
  • Spring               April 15
  • Summer            June 26

Thesis Submission Deadlines to The Graduate School:

  • Fall                  December 2 (no extensions allowed)
  • Spring             April 29
  • Summer          July 10

If the deadline falls on a weekend, then the deadline becomes the PRECEDING Friday.


Please contact us if you have any questions.

Catherine Warden
Graduate Affairs Support
(907) 786-1721
Jonathan Stecyk, Ph.D.
Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee
(907) 786-4791