Rates & Services
Menu for Co-Provided Events
Looking to build a Continuing Education training for your staff? Or do you have a
training you would like to offer with Continuing Education contact hours (nursing,
medical, pharmacy, social work, etc.)? Contact us to see how we can support your program!
Rates are per hour. Services are below each rate and include the items listed but are not limited to those listed. Costs of goods, materials, and travel will be added as an additional fee on the invoice. Please contact the Training Coordinator to discuss the specifics of your event.
- Registration management
- Promotion and marketing
- Evaluation
- Continuing Education required application materials, filing and management
- Certificate management
- Webinar construction and management
Basic (up to a Bachelor degree): $52 per hour
Master (Master degree or higher): $74 per hour
- Access to wide array of expertise of COH dependent on your needs
- Best practices in virtual technology and instructional technology for optimal learning outcomes
- Design and develop learning experiences that prepare attendees to meet learning outcomes
- Implement inclusive teaching practices such as Universal Design for learning and accessibility
- Craft an engaging environment in online and lecture courses
- Choose instructional technology tools that meet your goals
- Design and develop infographics, data dashboards, and other visualizations
- Create interactive learning tools such as simulations and games to understand complex topics
- Create tools for team process tracking, monitoring and financial analysis