Transportation & Power Division
Transportation & Power Division
Start Your Engines - The Automotive and Diesel Power Technology programs are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the needs of employers in the industry. Both the associate degrees and undergraduate certificate programs are accredited by the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Education Foundation.
Ignite Your Future - The Welding & Nondestructive Testing Technology program prepares students for employment in welding and/or nondestructive examination as entry level technicians. Both welding and nondestructive testing are utilized in construction, manufacturing and transportation industries throughout the world.
Amazing Stories

Meet the Fleet: Auto Tech program receives 2016 Z06 Corvette

Meet the beasts: one of these retired Freightliner cabs has an incredible 1.2 million miles on the odometer.

CTC's Welding & Nondestructive Testing Student Feature

CTC's Automotive program ranked among The Top 20 Best Automotive Mechanic Schools.
Contact Us
Faculty/Staff Directory & LocationMailing Address
F: (907) 786-4637
Employee Spotlight
“Staying current with the rapid technology changes in the automotive world takes a true desire and constant dedication. I love that my job never gets stagnant. I love the challenge of teaching students from the first semester to the last, and in between each semester, teaching GM technicians about the latest technologies."
— Darrin Marshall, Assistant Professor, Automotive Technology, GM ASEP