Teaching Cornerstones and Foundations

- : This site lists the official location and meeting times for your courses, as well as the enrollment
- : Log in to see your class rosters and student information, as well as to submit midterm and final student grades
- (CIM): Review the UAA-approved course description (formerly course content guide, or CCG) and official student learning outcomes for your courses
- Dates and Deadlines (UAA Registrar)
- Final Exam Schedule (UAA Registrar): Final grades are usually due within three days of the exam period ending
- Instructor Help for UAA's learning management system, Blackboard
New Faculty Orientation Resources
Please review the New Faculty Resources page for information to help you get started with UAA teaching, research, and career path-specific information for adjuncts and tenure-track professors. In addition, we offer several programs each year to help new instructors find their path at UAA:
- New Faculty Orientation for regular and term faculty (start of Fall semester)
- Headwaters for new and junior faculty (ongoing)
- Evening adjunct orientation at each Teaching Academy and Adjunct U topical sessions that address common questions adjuncts have when running their courses
Syllabus Guide
Please review the Syllabus Guide for information on what we recommend including in your syllabus and how to use it effectively.
The states, "Students should receive a syllabus at the beginning of each course that describes the course content, policies within the course, procedures that govern the delivery of the course, the learning outcomes and the grading system used."
Share your syllabus with students before or at the first class meeting and post it online in Blackboard. Be sure to include the student learning outcomes from the official course description.
Selecting and Assigning Course Materials
Our Course Materials page provides a variety of resources for researching, selecting, and adopting textbooks and other materials for your course. Textbook adoptions are due the semester before the course is taught so students can see costs when they register. Anchorage campus instructors should check UAA’s online bookstore for information on this process. If you teach for a community campus, please work with your local university bookstore.
Semester Cycle
Visit our Semester Cycle for Instructors page to see common steps and checklists for each teaching stage of the semester.
Faculty Success
Library 213 • 907-786-4496 • uaa_facultysuccess@alaska.edu • Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;5 p.m.