Tools to make your course materials and activities accessible
UAA provides a variety of learning technologies for faculty to deliver their courses, engage students, and create a rich learning environment. If you aren't sure which tools will best support your student learning outcomes and teaching style, start with our guide to .
Tools to make your course materials and activities accessible
Resources for instructors using Blackboard
Course communication tools: Email, Blackboard Announcements, etc.
Tools to foster peer interaction online
Media production services: recording and editing assistance for select projects
Blackboard Tests and remote proctoring tools
Compare different tools you can use for online and technology-enhanced teaching
Tools to create screencast and mini-lecture videos
Web conferencing tools to use in your classes
Faculty Success
Library 213 • 907-786-4496 • uaa_facultysuccess@alaska.edu • Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;5 p.m.