Volunteers needed for 2013 WACUBO meeting

by Michelle Saport  |   

UAA will host the annual Western Association of College and University Business Officers (WACUBO) meeting June 2-5 at the Egan Center in downtown Anchorage.

UAA is currently looking for volunteers to help out at the conference. Available tasks include staffing the registration desk, helping conference attendees navigate downtown Anchorage and putting together welcome packages. Volunteers are needed to help set up (no heavy lifting involved) May 31-June 5.

WACUBO represents business and financial officers through advocacy efforts, community service and professional development activities. The three conference hotels are the Hilton, Captain Cook and Marriott, and volunteers will be staffed at each hotel to guide people to the Egan Center.

Volunteers will be paid for their time (with prior approval a supervisor) and provided lunch if the volunteer shift occurs midday.

For any questions or volunteer information, contact Brian deZeeuw at btdezeeuw@uaa.alaska.edu or (907) 786-4686.

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