Sept. 5, 2015: UAA Glee Club auditions
by Michelle Saport |
Saturday, Sept. 5, 12-4 p.m. Fine Arts Building, Room 124
The UAA Glee Club announces its fall 2015 semester auditions. If you are interested in singing and/or beat boxing, dancing and performing, please consider the UAA Glee Club as a possible outlet for your talents and interests. You do not need any musical background to be considered for a spot in the club.
Things to think about before auditioning:
- Prepare to stay the whole time (but it's fine if you can't).
- Your audition song should be no more than one minute long, a cappella and something in a genre that you love and/or that showcases your voice well. Think about picking something that highlights your range as well.
- The second portion of the audition is dance. Nothing crazy! We just need to see that you're willing to move on stage and see how you take direction.
- Wear comfortable clothing.
- For the third portion, you are taught an excerpt of an a cappella song then put into small groups to perform it. We want to see how those auditioning blend together.
After auditions: Those who auditioned will know if they got into Glee Club by the end of the day. Those that make it in will be sent their music and practice tracks via email.
Note: The first day of rehearsal is at a different time than the usual Monday rehearsals. It will be from1-5 p.m. in the Fine Arts Building. We will do paperwork, play games, begin learning our first two songs, eat pizza and, most importantly, get to know each other.
About the group: We are student-founded and student-led. Our repertoire is 90 percent a cappella, and about 75 percent of those songs are arranged by Gleefam (our word for members both past and present). Every fall and spring semester, we hold auditions and take in about 20-30 people (even past members have to re-audition). We give a few performances around town and work toward a mini-concert and a large concert about two weeks before finals. All our songs are performed memorized, so the ability to work hard and commit to rehearsals and performances is a must for the club to function at top capacity. Many of our members are from different musical backgrounds and some can't read music. We offer an environment that both challenges the seasoned performer and teaches the amateur. Glee is about music-the love of music and the need to perform purely to share that love of music to others.
If you have any questions, please or email us at