UAA Staff Council updates for February

by Michelle Saport  |   

UAA Staff Council update: Feb. 7, 2019 Meeting

UAA Staff Council members

The Staff Council welcomed new member, Luis Chavez Jr. from CAFE.

Guest Speakers: President Jim Johnsen

President Johnsen went over various numbers regarding the budget for the next fiscal year including State allocations, tuition, and designated funds. He cautioned for a significant cut but said, regardless UA is pushing for fair compensation and benefits. Each university, program, community campus will be looked at for a contingency plan. People and programs may move across the system.

Other items discussed with President Johnsen: Strategic Pathways. Common calendar, GERs, etc. Study regarding institutional accreditation. Gateway for future Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ. Share Phase 1 with BOR at their next meeting. Streamline transfer process for students but also across the State of Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ. Process improvement. Identify policy and processes that can be streamlined for efficiency.

Other items discussed

  • Staff Council Mentorship Program: Tamika Dowdy is looking for feedback regarding this and a draft will be reviews by all council members.
  • UA Proposed Alcohol & Marijuana Regulations: This is currently in review and more information will be given as it is received.
  • Staff Recognition Committee: A call for nominations went out Jan. 23 via email and the Green & Gold. The committee will rank them accordingly and award the January winner the week of Feb. 11.
  • Staff Morale Survey

More about UAA Staff Council Meetings

Copies of meeting agendas and reports are always available on the UAA Staff Council website.

Next Staff Council meeting: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 9:30-11:30 a.m., UAA/APU Consortium Library, Room 302A.

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