Faculty Workshop: 'Teaching a Stacked Course - Two Courses or One?', March 20

by Green & Gold News  |   

The UAA Graduate School invites faculty to join a faculty workshop addressing the unique challenges of teaching stacked courses: "Teaching a Stacked Course: Two Courses or One?"

Teaching a stacked course can be challenging. Attempting to ensure rigor for both graduate and undergraduate students can lead to a feeling of teaching two courses rather than one. Attendees of this faculty conversation can exchange with colleagues about their current approach to teaching stacked courses, strategies they no longer use (and why), and what they would like to change for future teaching in this unique context.

Event details

Questions may be directed to the Graduate School at uaa_graduateschool@alaska.edu or (907) 786-1098.

Event location - Student Union 103 (Lyla Richards Conference Room) and Zoom
Event date - March 20, 2025
Event start time - 12 p.m.
Event end time - 1 p.m.


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