Geology Course Schedule

Course Descriptions

Please refer to the Course Catalog descriptions for detailed course information.


Full Course Schedule

The information provided on this page is subject to change.  Please refer to the UA Online Class Schedule Search if you need the most accurate course information.

Fall 2024


  • A111 *Planet Earth 3 Credits

    *Planet Earth

    Introduces physical geology, study of earth and its materials. Includes processes that operate on and within earth. Formation of common rocks and minerals, and basics of mineral and rock identification and classification. Registration Restrictions: MATH A055 or higher

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    601 MW 10:00AM - 11:15AM CPSB 120 Kushner, David August 26 - December 14 37
    602 TR 1:00PM - 2:15PM CPSB 120 Kushner, David August 26 - December 14 29
    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    801 Cannatelli, Claudia August 26 - December 14 5
  • A111L *Planet Earth Lab 1 Credits

    *Planet Earth Lab

    Introduces students to laboratory skills in physical geology. Emphasizes practical skills such as the identification and classification of minerals and rocks. Covers the proper use and interpretation of topographic and geologic maps, and remote sensing data. Applies lab skills to solve real-world problems in the geosciences. Includes on-site interpretation of geology on a field trip led by the instructor.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    601 M 1:00PM - 3:45PM NSB 102 Freeman, Elizabeth August 26 - December 14 3
    603 T 10:00AM - 12:45AM NSB 102 Smith, Laurie August 26 - December 14 12
    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    801 Smith, Laurie August 26 - December 14 2
  • A178 *Introduction to Oceanography 3 Credits

    *Introduction to Oceanography

    Study of the oceans combining insights from geological, chemical, physical and biological oceanography. Topics include plate tectonics and the evolution of the ocean basins, the chemical composition of seawater, forces acting on water to generate waves and currents, interrelationships among physical, chemical and biological processes, and complex societal issues such as global climate change, fisheries management and pollution. Registration Restrictions: Placement into Quantitative Skills GER Crosslisted with BIOL A178

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    652 TR 1:00PM - 2:15PM ARTS 117 Gerken, Sarah August 26 - December 14 4

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A221 *Journey Through Time 4 Credits

    *Journey Through Time

    Introduces the history of the Earth through geologic time, emphasizing North America. Includes major events in plate tectonics, the evolution of life forms and interpretation of the rock record. Lab includes invertebrate fossil identification, geologic map interpretation, stratigraphic principles and field trip.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    801 - DIST ONLINE Aschoff, Jennifer August 26 - December 14 3
    801 W 11:00AM - 1:45PM NSB 106 Aschoff, Jennifer August 26 - December 14 3

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A225 Earth Surface Processes 3 Credits

    Earth Surface Processes

    Introduces the identification and mapping of landforms, and quantitative study of processes that shape the earth's surface. Combines theory, field observations, basic data analysis, and modeling to investigate geomorphic systems that affect humanity.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    601 - FIELD TBA Kushner, David August 26 - December 14 10
    601 M 2:30PM - 5:15PM NSB 106 Kushner, David August 26 - December 14 10
    601 T 2:30PM - 3:30PM NSB 106 Kushner, David August 26 - December 14 10

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A321 Mineralogy 4 Credits


    Covers crystallography, including external form and internal order. Includes crystal chemistry, atomic structure, crystal structure, and compositional variation, nature and origin of physical properties of minerals. Mineral association, occurrence and paragenesis. Introduces x-ray crystallography and optical mineralogy. Laboratory includes determinative crystallography, optical mineralogy and systematic determinative mineralogy.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    801 - DIST ONLINE Cannatelli, Claudia August 26 - December 14 8
    801 TR 10:00AM - 12:45AM CPSB 215 Cannatelli, Claudia August 26 - December 14 8

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A331 Sedimentology & Stratigraphy 4 Credits

    Sedimentology & Stratigraphy

    Surveys sediments including origins, classification, transportation, composition, structures, and diagenesis. Includes stratigraphic principles of lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, and seismic stratigraphy. Lab includes grain size analysis, sedimentary structures, correlation, and field practicum.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    801 - DIST ONLINE Aschoff, Jennifer August 26 - December 14 7
    801 W 2:30PM - 5:15PM CPSB 215 Aschoff, Jennifer August 26 - December 14 7

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A335 Structural Geology 4 Credits

    Structural Geology

    Covers fundamental concepts of rock deformation: description and formation of geologic structures; brittle and ductile deformation; characteristic structures in different tectonic environments; concepts of stress, strain and brittle failure mechanics; and salt tectonics. Laboratory includes analysis of structure contours, geologic maps and cross sections, stereonets, kinematic analysis, and the Mohr circle technique.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    601 - FIELD TBA Harrichhausen, Nicolas August 26 - December 14 7
    601 F 2:30PM - 5:15PM NSB 204 Harrichhausen, Nicolas August 26 - December 14 7
    601 TR 1:00PM - 2:15PM NSB 204 Harrichhausen, Nicolas August 26 - December 14 7

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A441 Paleoclimatology 3 Credits


    Examines the fundamentals of climate science, changes in Earth's climate, and methods used to reconstruct past climates. Use of paleoclimate data from proxy records like cores of ice, peatland and ocean sediments, and tree rings to help understand how Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land interact with climate through time. Special Note: Not available for credit to students who have completed GEOL A641. May be stacked with: GEOL A641

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    851 MW 10:00AM - 11:15AM DIST ONLINE Klein, Eric August 26 - December 14 9
    851 MW 10:00AM - 11:15AM NSB 204 Klein, Eric August 26 - December 14 9

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A461 Geochemistry 3 Credits


    Introduction to principles and applications of inorganic geochemistry. Emphasis on crystal structures and substitution in crystals, equilibrium geochemistry, dissociation of acids and bases, and mineral stability. Applying the laws of thermodynamics, Eh-pH diagrams, and oxidation-reduction reactions to geologic problems. Principles of radioactivity and geochronometers for age determination. A review of applications of stable isotopes to geologic problems. Special Note: Not available for credit to students who have completed GEOL A661. Registration Restrictions: BS Geological Science majors May be stacked with: GEOL A661

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    801 Huan, Chin Chai August 26 - December 14 8
  • A490 Advanced Topics in Geology 1 - 4 Credits

    Advanced Topics in Geology

    Detailed study of a selected topic in geology. Special Note: May be repeated for credit with change of subtitle. Not available for credit to students who have completed GEOL A690 with same subtitle. May be stacked with: GEOL A690

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    851 MW 1:00PM - 2:15PM DIST ONLINE Klein, Eric August 26 - December 14 10
    851 MW 1:00PM - 2:15PM NSB 204 Klein, Eric August 26 - December 14 10

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A495 Geology Internship 1 - 3 Credits

    Geology Internship

    Work experience in an approved position with supervision and training in various agencies and businesses. Exposes student to work environment beyond the campus setting, to acquire essential practical skills and enhance self-confidence and career direction. Special Note: May be repeated, but only 3 credits count toward major requirements. Registration Restrictions: Junior standing

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    001 - ARR ARR Aschoff, Jennifer August 26 - December 14 0

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A498 Student Research 1 - 3 Credits

    Student Research

    Student research conducted on specific subjects in geology. Research topic to be approved and directed by a faculty member in the Department of Geological Sciences. Special Note: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Registration Restrictions: Faculty permission.

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    601 - ARR ARR Aschoff, Jennifer August 26 - December 14 1
    602 - ARR ARR Cannatelli, Claudia August 26 - December 14 0
    604 - ARR ARR Klein, Eric August 26 - December 14 -1

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A641 Paleoclimatology 3 Credits


    Examines the fundamentals of climate science, changes in Earth's climate, and methods used to reconstruct past climates. Use of paleoclimate data from proxy records like cores of ice, peatland and ocean sediments, and tree rings to help understand how Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land interact with climate through time. Special Note: Not available for credit to students who have completed GEOL A441. Graduate students have additional student learning outcomes and course expectations. May be stacked with: GEOL A441

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    851 MW 10:00AM - 11:15AM DIST ONLINE Klein, Eric August 26 - December 14 0
    851 MW 10:00AM - 11:15AM NSB 204 Klein, Eric August 26 - December 14 0

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A661 Advanced Geochemistry 3 Credits

    Advanced Geochemistry

    Introduction to principles and applications of inorganic geochemistry. Emphasis on crystal structures and substitution in crystals, equilibrium geochemistry, dissociation of acids and bases, and mineral stability. Applying the laws of thermodynamics, Eh-pH diagrams, and oxidation-reduction reactions to geologic problems. Principles of radioactivity and geochronometers for age determination. A review of applications of stable isotopes to geologic problems. Special Note: Not available for credit to students who have completed GEOL A461. Registration Restrictions: Graduate standing or instructor permission May be stacked with: GEOL A461

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats
    801 Huan, Chin Chai August 26 - December 14 5
  • A690 Graduate Topics in Geology 1 - 4 Credits

    Graduate Topics in Geology

    Intensive study of narrowly defined topic in geology with emphasis on current problems. Independent research project required. Special Note: Students are required to have background in physical and historical geology. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits with change of subtitle. Not available for credit to students who have completed GEOL A490 with the same subtitle. Registration Restrictions: Graduate standing or instructor approval. May be stacked with: GEOL A490

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    851 MW 1:00PM - 2:15PM DIST ONLINE Klein, Eric August 26 - December 14 1
    851 MW 1:00PM - 2:15PM NSB 204 Klein, Eric August 26 - December 14 1

    No Distance Learning courses available.

  • A698 Directed Research 1 - 6 Credits

    Directed Research

    Thesis-specific research for the Master of Science in Applied Geological Sciences. Research topic must be approved by thesis advisor. Special Note: May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits. Registration Restrictions: Graduate standing and thesis advisor approval

    (Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)

    CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats
    602 - ARR ARR Cannatelli, Claudia August 26 - December 14 -1
    601 - ARR ARR Aschoff, Jennifer August 26 - December 14 1

    No Distance Learning courses available.