Aaron D Dotson
Vice Chancellor for Research and Professor,
Civil Engineering
BOC3 Room 374/EIB 301Q
Phone: 907-786-6041
Civil Engineering
BOC3 Room 374/EIB 301Q
Phone: 907-786-6041
Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering, Arizona State University, August 2008M.S.E. Civil & Environmental Engineering, Arizona State University, May 2005
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, May 2003
Teaching Responsibilities
- CE A447/647 Advanced Unit Processes
- CE A441/641 Fundamentals of Env. Engineering and Applied Env. Science
- CE A445/645 Chemical & Physical Water & Wastewater Treatment Processes
- AEST A601 Aquatic Process Chemistry
- ES A341 and ES A341L Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
Professional & Department Service
- Civil Engineering Curriculum Committee, Spring 2011-present
- Civil Engineering Graduate Committee (Chair), Fall 2012-present
- Civil Engineering Scholarship Committee, Spring 2011-Fall 2012
- University of Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ Research Council, Spring 2012-present
- University of Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ Chemical Safety Committee, Spring 2012-present
- Technical Council for Cold Regions Engineering, Spring 2012-present
- AWWA Organic Contaminant Research Committee, Fall 2011-present
- School of Engineering Seminar Series (Organizer), Spring 2011-present
- Adhoc New Engineering Building Committee (Civil Engineering), Fall 2011
- Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ Water and Wastewater Steering Committee, Fall 2011-Spring 2012
Advisory and Review
- Board Member, Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility, January 2013-present
- NSF, ArcSEES Adhoc Reviewer, December 2012
- NSF, Unsolicited Reviewer, Environmental Engineering, May 2011, 2012
- WaterRF, Project Advisory Committee, 4406, Fall 2011-present
Journal Peer Reviewer
- Environment Science and Technology
- Chemical Reviews
- Chemosphere
- Journal of American Water Works Association
- Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE)
- Journal of Hazardous Materials
Research Interests
Occurrence and characterization of dissolved organic matter, disinfection by-products, innovative application of unit processes, process sequences and novel sensorsPublications
Journal Publications
- Keen, O.S., Dotson, A.D., Linden, K.G., Evaluation of Hydrogen Peroxide Chemical-Quenching AgentsFollowing an Advanced Oxidation Process. Journal of Environmental Engineering. in press. (2012)
- Krasner, S.W., Mitch, W.A., Westerhoff, P.W., Dotson, A., Formation and control of emerging C- and NDBPs in drinking water. Journal of American Water Works Association. 104(11), E582-E595 (2012)
- Lyon, B.A., Dotson, A.D., Linden, K.G., Weinburg, H.S. The effect of inorganic precursors ondisinfection byproduct formation during UV-chlorine/chloramine drinking water treatment. WaterResearch. 46(15), 4653-4664 (2012)
- Dotson, A., Westerhoff, P., Character and Treatment of Organic Colloids in Impacted Drinking WaterSources. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 138(4), 383-401 (2012)
- Dotson, A., Rodriguez, C., & Linden, K., UV Disinfection Implementation Status in US Drinking WaterPlants. Journal of American Water Works Association. 104(5) (2012)
- Metz, D.H., Meyer, M., Dotson, A., Beerendonk, E., and Dionysiou, D.D., The Effect of UV/H2O2Treatment on Disinfection Byproduct Formation Potential under Simulated Distribution System Conditions. Water Research, 45(13) 3969-3980 (2011)
- Shah, A.D., Dotson, A.D., Linden, K.G., and Mitch, W.A., Impact of UV Disinfection Combined with Chlorination/Chloramination on the Formation of Halonitromethanes and HAloacetonitriles in DrinkingWater, Environmental Science & Technology, 45:8:3657-3664 (2011)
- Dotson, A., Keen, V., Metz, D. and Linden, K.G., UV/H2O2 treatment of drinking water increases postchlorinationDBP formation, Water Research, 44. 3703-3713 (2010)
- Dotson, A. and Westerhoff, P., Occurrence and Treatment of Amino Acids During Drinking WaterTreatment, Journal of American Water Works Association, 101:9:101-115 (2009)
- Dotson, A., Westerhoff, P., and Krasner, S., Nitrogen Enriched DOM Isolates and their Affinity to FormEmerging DBPs, Water Science and Technology, 60:1:135-143 (2009)
- Mitch, W., Kemper, J., Westerhoff, P., and Dotson, A. Nitrosamine, Dimethylnitramine, and Chloropicrin Formation during Strong Base Anion-Exchange Treatment. Environmental Science &Technology, 43:2:466-472 (2009)
- Leenheer, J., Dotson, A., and Westerhoff, P., Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Fractionation, Annals ofEnvironmental Science, 1:45-56 (2007)
Planned Journal Submissions for 2013
- Barstow, C., Dotson, A., Linden, K. Point of Use Ultraviolt Disinfection for Safe Water in UrbanDeveloping Communities. To be submitted to Journal of Water and Health
- Rodriguez, C., Dotson, A., Removal of Copper by Membrane Bioreactor in Cold Dilute Wastewater. Tobe submitted to Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
- Clark, C., Dotson, A., Critical Flux Determination of Pollock Stickwater by Ceramic Membrane. To besubmitted to Journal of Membrane Science.
- Dotson, A., Corwin, C., Summers, R.S., Linden. K., Sorption and Stability of GAC after UV/H2O2. To besubmitted to Journal of Environmental Engineering.
- Dotson, A., Krasner, S., Westerhoff, P., Source Tracking Nitrogen During Formation of NitrogenousDisinfection Byproducts. To be submitted to Water Research.
Book Chapters
- Dotson, A., Linden, K., and Cooper, W. Inorganic and Organic Byproducts of Ultraviolet Oxidation,Ozonation, and Advanced Oxidation Processes, in press for an AwwaRF/CIRSEE book titled OrganicByproducts of Potential Health Concern Produced During Drinking Water Treatment
- Dotson, A., Westerhoff, P., Chen, B., and Lee, W., "Organic Nitrogen Occurrence and Characterization."in Occurrence, Formation, Health Effects and Control of Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water.ACS Publication, August 2008
Research Reports
- Linden, K. and Dotson, A. UV-Based Advanced Oxidation Treatment of Pre- and Post-GAC ContactedWater. Water Research Foundation Report, July 2012
- Linden, K., Dotson, A., Weinberg, H., Lyon, B., Mitch, W., and Shah, A. Impact of UV Location and Sequence on Byproduct Formation. Water Research Foundation Report, June 2012
- Mitch, W., Krasner, S., Westerhoff, P., and Dotson, A. Occurrence and Formation of NitrogenousDisinfection By-Products. Water Research Foundation Report, 2009
- Ela, P., Saez, A.E., Kommineni, S., and Dotson, A. Innovative Technologies for Arsenic ResidualsStabilization. AwwaRF Report, 2006
Career History/Work Experience
- Assistant Professor, Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ, Spring 2010-present
- Environmental Engineering Laboratory Director, Spring 2012-present
- Affiliate Professor, University of Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ Fairbanks, Spring 2012-present
- Affiliate Professor, Â鶹ÎÞÂë°æ, Fall 2010
- Research Associate & Lecturer, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2008-2010