Institutional Accreditation

Reaffirmation of Accreditation Open Forums:

Year of Self Reflection: Where We Are and Where We Want to Be

Spring 2025 Reaffirmation of Accreditation Forum Invitation

Friday, March 21, 2025           Accreditation Open Forum, 9:00-10:30, LIB 307 and Zoom |

Thursday, May 8, 2025           Assessment Retreat, 9:00-12:00, LIB 307 and Zoom |

And please hold your calendars for the Fall 2025 NWCCU Peer Evaluation Site Visit: October 8-10, 2025!

The institutional accreditation process at UAA is a deliberative, transparent process that works with relevant stakeholders to promote a culture of assessment and continuous improvement. Accreditation at UAA is not a 鈥渃heck the box鈥 compliance process, but a genuine opportunity for institutional self-reflection and improvement. Such a process aims to connect with the institutional culture and help better coordinate a variety of planning and review processes on campus.

UAA is committed to academic and post-graduation student success through: (1) an institution-wide and holistic approach to student learning that emphasizes core competencies; and (2) the development of key data metrics to enable the identification of achievement gaps in student success. 

Students, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni, and employers are essential partners in the learning system that promotes the learning and success goals for our students.

Accreditation Status

The 麻豆无码版 (UAA) has been accredited by the  (NWCCU) since 1974.  This accreditation applies to all UAA campuses, including Anchorage, Kenai Peninsula College, Kodiak College, Matanuska-Susitna College, and Prince William Sound College, as well as their extended sites.

NWCCU, one of six institutional accrediting agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, evaluates and accredits higher education institutions in the U.S. states of 麻豆无码版, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington, as well as the Canadian province British Columbia.  NWCCU holds institutions accountable to a rigorous set of standards and eligibility requirements, with a focus on educational quality and institutional effectiveness, particularly as they relate to student learning and student achievement.  NWCCU implemented its revised  and  in January 2020.

UAA's Current Cycle

Using the results of the 2018 comprehensive review and site visit, UAA is building capacity to fulfill its distinctive mission as a comprehensive, open access, community-connected, public university that is committed to meeting students where they are and supporting them to achieve their personal and professional goals.

UAA's current accreditation cycle includes the following milestones:      

Fall 2025:  Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE&苍产蝉辫;鈥&苍产蝉辫;Year Seven, Report and Visit) - In Process
Fall 2024:  Policies, Regulations, and Financial Review (PRFR 鈥 Year Six, Report and Review) - Submitted
Fall 2021:  Mid-Cycle Evaluation (Year Three, Report and Visit) - Completed

Accreditation Advisory Committee

An Accreditation Advisory Committee, charged in January 2020, supports university-wide engagement with accreditation, particularly around mission fulfillment, student learning, and student achievement.  The committee draws its membership from across the institution, governance groups, and campuses.  Members have been selected for their experience, expertise and areas represented; demonstrated commitment to institutional-level thinking; ability to contribute to a variety of tasks; and willingness to work collaboratively.  The Committee is chaired by Dr. Carrie King, a faculty member in the College of Health, and by Dr. Susan Kalina, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.  The accreditation effort is supported by the Office of Academic Affairs, Office of Institutional Research, and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. 


Susan Kalina, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness
Carrie King, Professor, Dietetics and Nutrition
Terrence Kelly, Associate Professor, Philosophy (2020-2022)


Ray Ball, Interim Vice Provost, Student Success
Jennifer Booz, Chief Diversity Officer
Jennifer Brock
, Associate Dean, College of Engineering and Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Matt Calhoun, Executive Director, ANSEP and Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
Rhiannon Calkins, Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services
Dan Campbell
, Director, Institutional Research
Jackie Cason, Professor, Writing, and Faculty Senate President
Scott Downing, Academic Affairs Director, Kenai Peninsula College, and Associate Professor, English
Mary Jo Finney
, Dean, Graduate School
Rachel Graham, Co-Chair, General Education Council, and Professor, Mathematics
Erin Hicks, Professor, Astronomy
Ryan Hill, Director, Residence Life
Jacelyn Keys
, Director, Kodiak College
Ryan McDaniel, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services
Colin McGill, Vice Provost, Faculty Success
John Moore, Research Laboratory Manager, CAS, and Past Co-President, Staff Council
Harrison Morgan, Research and Assessment Coordinator, Student Affairs
Kristen Ogilvie, Associate Dean, CAS, and Associate Professor, Anthropology
Austin Osborne, Director of Marketing & Relations, Advancement
Tom Rosko, Dean, Consortium Library


  • Agendas    


    Agendas will be posted

Deliberative, Transparent Process

Working with stakeholders, four institutional core learning competencies were adopted in Spring 2020.  At the same time, metrics for student success and disaggregation of student success data were developed.  With standards for student learning and student success in place, UAA will implement mission fulfillment assessment aimed at continuous improvement of student learning and student success and the closing of gaps in student achievement.  These efforts will be the heart of the Mid-Cycle Evaluation Year Three Report submitted in Summer 2021.  Based on feedback from the mid-cycle site visit from NWCCU and their evaluation of the Mid-Cycle report, student learning and success assessment, as well as institutional interventions to improve learning and success and close achievement gaps in achievement will be refined.  These continuing efforts will be assessed in UAA鈥檚 comprehensive self-study process (Fall 2023/Spring 2024), and described in the Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness Report, which will be drafted in Summer 2024, shared out for feedback over the academic year, and submitted in Summer 2025.  That report, and the NWCCU鈥檚 site visit in Fall 2025, will form the basis of NWCCU鈥檚 assessment of UAA鈥檚 worthiness for accreditation.


Below describes some milestones along the way: 

May 8, 2025                      Annual Academic Assessment Retreat, 9:00-12:00, LIB 307 & Zoom |

March 21, 2025                Accreditation Open Forum, 9:00-10:30, LIB 307 & Zoom |

February 28, 2025            Accreditation Open Forum, 115 Participants. | February 2025 Program | February 2025 Slides

January 7-8, 2025            Winter Teaching Academy and Adjunct Orientation & Academy

September 13, 2024        Annual Accreditation Kickoff, 141 Participants.

September 2024              UAA Policies, Regulations, and Finances Review (PRFR) Report Submitted

August 19, 2024              Fall Teaching Academy

May 9, 2024                     Annual Academic Assessment Retreat, 95 Participants.

March 29, 2024               Accreditation Workshop, 41 Participants.

March 1, 2024                 Open Forum on Core Competencies, 76 Participants.

January 19, 2024            Mission Moments Workshop at Professional Excellence and Knowledge Summit Development Day

January 9-10, 2024         Winter Teaching Academy

November 3, 2023          Mission Moments Workshop, 49 Participants.

October 20, 2023            Accreditation Kickoff, 167 Participants.

September 15, 2023       Annual Academic Assessment Seminar, 107 Participants.

May 11, 2023                  Annual Academic Assessment Retreat, 92 Participants.

February 10, 2023          Open Forum on Core Competencies, 99 Participants.

January 12, 2023           Winter Teaching Academy

November 16, 2022       Accreditation Workshop, 65 Participants.

October 28, 2022           Open Forum on Core Competencies, 83 Participants.

September 27, 2022     Accreditation Workshop, 49 Participants.

September 16, 2022     Annual Accreditation/Assessment Seminar, 114 Participants.

May 5, 2022                   Annual Assessment Retreat, 140 Participants.

February 18, 2022         NWCCU Acceptance of UAA Mid-Cycle Report (NWCCU Acceptance Letter)

October 7-8, 2021         NWCCU Mid-Cycle Evaluation Visit

September 17, 2021     Annual Accreditation/Assessment Seminar, 103 Participants.

May 6, 2021                   Annual Assessment Retreat, 97 Participants.

March 5, 2021               Open Forum on Core Competencies, 70 Participants.

November 13, 2020      Open Forum on Core Competencies, 39 Participants.

October 16, 2020          Open Forum on Core Competencies, 82 Participants.

September 18, 2020     Annual Academic Assessment Seminar/Core Competency Kick Off, 111 Participants.

May 7, 2020                   Annual Academic Assessment Retreat, 83 Participants.

May 2020                       Endorsement of the Core Competencies

The tri-chairs presented a status update to the Faculty Senate, Staff Council, and USUAA student government, including a written Accreditation 2025 Summary for Academic Year 2020. Faculty Senate Endorsement. Staff Council Endorsement.

April 2020                      Core Competency Final Naming Survey

184 responses, distributed to the UAA Community. Core Competency Final Naming Survey Results.

April 3, 2020                  Open Forum: Naming Our Core Competencies, 52 Participants.

March 2020                   Core Competency Naming Survey

226 responses, distributed to stakeholder groups and core competency forum participants. Core Competencies Naming Survey Results.

February 7, 2020           Open Forum: Dialing In the Core Competencies, 62 Participants.

January 2020                Accreditation Advisory Committee

The Accreditation Advisory Committee was established and held its first meeting.  The major tasks for the spring were to finalize the Core Competencies and the student achievement metrics.

December 2019            Status Update

The tri-chairs presented a status update to the Chancellor鈥檚 Cabinet and Academic Deans, as well as a written update to the Faculty Senate, Staff Council, and USUAA student government.  The update includes the final list of 31 candidates for UAA鈥檚 Core Competencies.

Fall 2019                        Stakeholder Outreach

Over the fall semester, the tri-chairs engaged stakeholders from across the university to lay the foundation for selecting a set of core competencies.  They met with the following groups: Academic Assessment Committee, Administrative Services Senior Executive Team, Advancement Leadership, Alumni Association Board, General Education Advisory Committee, Graduate Academic Board, Staff Council, Student Affairs Leadership Team, Undergraduate Academic Board, and USUAA (student government). Members of these groups also responded to the Taking a Pulse Survey, which was distributed to participants of the October and November forums below.

November 15, 2019      Open Forum: Honoring Your Work and Building Forward, 55 Participants.

October 4, 2019            Annual Academic Assessment Seminar and Accreditation Kick Off, 106 Participants.

Broad engagement with the new cycle began with a kick off on October 4, 2019.  Over 100 faculty, staff and students joined Dr. Natasha Jankowski, Director of the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) to explore what moving from Core Themes to Core Competencies means for an institution. 

Summer 2019               Accreditation Metrics Team

An Accreditation Metrics Team drafted a set of student achievement metrics, disaggregated by race, ethnicity, age, gender, socioeconomic class, first generation, part time, and transfer. The team also proposed leading indicators for improved retention, persistence, and graduation rates.

Preliminary Timeline

Year 1



  • Site Visit
  • Reaffirmation
  • Draft - Student Achievement Metrics and Disaggregation
  • Initiate - NWCCU Mission Fulfillment Fellows Project: Community/Employer Interviews
  • Propose - NWCCU Student Retention, Persistence and Success Academy Project

 Year 2

  • Draft - Student Achievement Metrics and Disaggregation
  • Provide - Regular Governance Updates

Accreditation Kick Off (October 4)

  • Conduct - Core Competency Stakeholder Outreach
  • Conduct - NWCCU Mission Fulfillment Fellows Project: Community/Employer Interviews
  • Conduct - NWCCU Student Success Academy Project: Tier 1 Writing & Math
  • Provide - Regular Governance Updates

Open Forum: Honoring Your Work and Building Forward (November 15)

  • Conduct - Core Competency Stakeholder Outreach
  • Conduct - NWCCU Mission Fulfillment Fellows Project: Community/Employer Interviews
  • Conduct - NWCCU Student Success Academy Project: Tier 1 Writing & Math
  • Attend - NWCCU Student Retention, Persistence and Success Academy Meeting (Seattle)
  • Attend - NWCCU Accreditation Liaison Training & Evaluator Team Chair Training (Seattle)
  • Attend - NWCCU Annual Meeting (Seattle)
  • Provide - Regular Governance Updates

Core Competencies Compilation to Cabinet, Faculty Senate, Staff Council, USUAA

  • Formalize - Accreditation Advisory Committee
  • Conduct - Core Competency Stakeholder Outreach
  • Conduct - NWCCU Mission Fulfillment Fellows Project: Community/Employer Interviews
  • Conduct - NWCCU Student Success Academy Project: Tier 1 Writing & Math
  • Provide - Regular Governance Updates
  • Re-Conceptualize - Core Competency List (Accreditation Advisory Committee)
  • Conduct - Core Competency Stakeholder Outreach
  • Conduct - NWCCU Mission Fulfillment Fellows Project: Community/Employer Interviews
  • Conduct - NWCCU Student Success Academy Project: Tier 1 Writing & Math
  • Edit - Core Competency list to incorporate relevant information from the Fellows Project
  • Reduce - Core Competencies to 9 鈥 Open Forum (February 7)
  • Conduct - Core Competency Stakeholder Outreach
  • Conduct - NWCCU Mission Fulfillment Fellows Project: Community/Employer Interviews
  • Conduct - NWCCU Student Success Academy Project: Tier 1 Writing & Math
  • Provide - Regular Governance Updates
  • Refine - Core Competencies to 4 - Naming Survey
  • Conduct - NWCCU Student Success Academy Project: Tier 1 Writing & Math
  • Submit - Ad Hoc Report on Recommendations 1 & 2 from the previous cycle
  • Provide - Regular Governance Updates
  • Submit - Draft Core Competency List to Cabinet, Faculty Senate, Staff Council, USUAA, UAA Community
  • Conduct - Feedback Period - Open Forum (April 3) and Final Naming Survey

Annual Academic Assessment Retreat (May 7)

  • Review - Draft Core Competency List (Cabinet, Faculty Senate, Staff Council, USUAA, UAA Community)
  • Decide - Cabinet Approves Final Core Competencies
  • Develop - Plan for Piloting the Personal, Professional, and Community Responsibility Core Competency
  • Develop - Plan to Assess Programs and Services that Support Student Learning and the Closing of Achievement Gaps

 Year 3


Annual Assessment Seminar/Core Competency Kick Off (September 18)

  • Implement - Plan for Piloting the Personal, Professional, and Community Responsibility Core Competency - Open Forums (October 16 and November 13)
  • Continue to Develop - Plan to Assess Programs and Services that Support Student Learning and the Closing of Achievement Gaps
  • Develop - Student Achievement Annual Progress Reports
  • Draft - Mid-Cycle Self-Evaluation Report and Share Out for Feedback

Annual Assessment Retreat (May 6)

  • Continue to Implement - Ongoing Mission Fulfillment Assessment and Continuous Improvement Processes
  • Submit - Mid-Cycle Self-Evaluation Report

 Year 4


Annual Accreditation/Assessment Seminar (September 17)

  • Continue to Implement Ongoing Mission Fulfillment Assessment and Continuous Improvement Processes
  • Host - Mid-Cycle Evaluation Site Visit (October 7-8)
  • Continue to Implement Ongoing Mission Fulfillment Assessment and Continuous Improvement Processes
  • Acceptance - NWCCU Accepts Mid-Cycle Report (February 18 Letter)

Annual Assessment Retreat (May 5)

  • Continue to Implement Ongoing Mission Fulfillment Assessment and Continuous Improvement Processes

 Year 5


Annual Accreditation/Assessment Seminar (September 16)

  • Implement - Mission Fulfillment Assessment and Continuous Improvement (Workshops and Forums, September 27, October 28, November 16)
  • Implement - Mission Fulfillment Assessment and Continuous Improvement (Winter Teaching Academy, Workshops, and Forums, January 12, February 10)

Annual Academic Assessment Retreat (May 11)

  • Implement - Mission Fulfillment Assessment and Continuous Improvement

 Year 6


Annual Accreditation Kickoff (October 20)

  • Implement - Mission Fulfillment Assessment and Continuous Improvement (Workshops and Forums, November 3)
  • Conduct - Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness Self Study
  • Implement - Mission Fulfillment Assessment and Continuous Improvement (Winter Teaching Academy, Workshops, and Forums, January 9-10, March 1, March 29)
  • Conduct - Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness Self Study
  • Draft - Policies, Regulations, Financial Review Report

Annual Academic Assessment Retreat (May 9)

 Year 7


Annual Accreditation/Assessment Seminar (September 13)

  • Draft - Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness Report

Annual Academic Assessment Retreat (May 8)

  • Draft - Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness Report
  • Submit - Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness Report

 Year 1 (Fall 2025)


Annual Accreditation/Assessment Seminar (September TBD)

  • Host - Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness Site Visit

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Chancellor
    • Set the agenda and direction and promote a culture that prioritizes student learning and student success
    • Facilitate high-level oversight by the Cabinet and ensure accreditation is an institutional priority
    • Connect accreditation to institutional planning and budget allocation
    • Inform and update the Board of Regents and UA Statewide System
    • Engage the broader internal and external communities
    • Approve all final reports and submissions
    • Communicate with NWCCU
    • Meet with site visit teams
  • Chancellor鈥檚 Cabinet, Deans, Campus Directors
    • Implement the agenda and direction within their units
    • Ensure accreditation is a priority and promote a culture that prioritizes student learning and student success
    • Oversee assessment and improvement of the functions in their areas
    • Connect continuous improvement to student learning and success
    • Connect accreditation to planning and budget allocation
    • Promote alignment of accreditation, strategic planning, budget planning and other key planning processes
    • Engage faculty, staff and students in their units
    • Engage their communities, including advisory councils and boards
    • Contribute to and review reports and submissions
    • Meet with site visit teams
  • Accreditation Advisory Committee
    • Design and facilitate the processes by which the institution engages in accreditation
    • Develop a communication plan
    • Provide guidance in the selection and presentation of data and in developing a long-term approach to ensuring these data are embedded in decision making processes
    • Serve in an advisory role for developing reports and preparing for site visits
    • Provide regular updates to the Chancellor, campus leadership, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and other stakeholders
    • Meet with site visit teams
  • Office of Academic Affairs
    • Coordinate the accreditation process and co-chair the Accreditation Advisory Committee
    • Communicate with the NWCCU throughout the process
    • Support the Accreditation Advisory Committee and the Tri-Chairs
    • Oversee and ensure compliance, including federal mandates
    • Coordinate reporting, including annual, mid-cycle, and comprehensive
    • Gather documentation to support the compliance Standards
  • Office of Institutional Research
    • Provide data as needed
    • Design data visualization for mission fulfillment, institutional effectiveness, student learning, and student achievement data in consultation with the Accreditation Advisory Committee, Academic Affairs, and Cabinet
    • Assist in developing a structure of data presentation for mission fulfillment that will be consistent throughout the cycle
    • Build and maintain accreditation-related sections of the SharePoint site (Core Competencies, Student Achievement, Mission Fulfillment, Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment, Program Review, Student Complaints)
    • Build the structure for the electronic evidence room
  • Office of Institutional Effectiveness
    • Contribute to developing and writing reports, including annual updates to the campus and community
    • Format final report and appendices
  • Campus Community (Faculty, Staff, Students, Administrators)
    • Apply student learning and student success insights into the learning experience
    • Use student learning and achievement data in continuous improvement, decision making, and resource allocation
    • Contribute to the institution鈥檚 approach to student learning and success
    • Participate in opportunities, including surveys and open forums, and provide input, information, and feedback
    • Review report drafts
    • Prepare for the campus visits
    • Participate in the campus visit sessions for faculty, staff, and students