
Sport-Specific Rules

  • Basketball

    Basketball-specific Rules

    1. Rosters are limited to 12 players with a ratio of 8 men and 4 women.
    2. 5 players shall constitute a team. Minimum starting ratio is 3 men and 1 woman. No more than 3 men can be on the court at a time. At the outset of play, no team shall have fewer than 4 players.
    3. Mercy rule: Any game will end when one team is up 35 points.
    4. Game regulation time will be two 20 minute periods, with a running clock and the last 2 minutes of each half with a stopped clock on every dead ball. A 3 minute half time. Each team will be allowed two 鈥30 second" timeouts per half. The clock will stop for injuries.
    5. In case of a tie game a three minute overtime period, with running clock, will be played to break the tie. No additional timeouts will be allowed in overtime.
    6. A woman scoring will count 3 points. If a woman is fouled, one additional point is also awarded to her team.
    7. Substitutions may be made at any time the ball is dead, i.e., timeouts, fouls, violations, or after a successful free throw. Substitutes must catch the official鈥檚 attention and be beckoned on the court.
    8. A 1-and-1 foul shot will be awarded to the opposing team once five team fouls have been committed against them.
    9. A free throw must be attempted 5 seconds from the time the ball is at the disposal of the shooter.
    10. There are no regulation 3 point goals awarded.
    11. Officials may call a technical foul not only for unsportsmanlike conduct, but also for delay of game. This is an automatic two points and possession of the ball.
    12. All Referee calls are final.
  • Broomball

    Broomball-specific Rules

    1. Rosters are limited to 15 players with the ratio of 4 men and 2 women.
    2. Six players shall constitute a team. At the onset of play, no team shall have less than 4 players.
    3. Mercy rule: Any game will end when a team is up 10 goals. The game may also be stopped if in the opinion of the officials, a team is trying to prolong a contest and undermine the 10 goal rule by failing to make a genuine effort to score another goal.
    4. A game shall consist of two 20 minute running time periods. Three minutes will be allowed between periods of play and the teams shall exchange ends between periods of regulation play. Each team will be allowed one "30 second" timeout period. The clock will be stopped for injuries.
    5. Overtime will consist of three minutes of additional play. During the first 3 minute overtime the game is played with 5 players and no goalie. If at the end of the first 3 minutes a winner has not been determined, the five shot rule (shootout) will apply. The five players on the ice will have one shot at the opposing goalie to score a goal. The team with the most goals at the end of the shootout session will be declared the winner
    6. A woman scoring a goal awards the team 2 goals, a man scoring awards  1 point.
    7. Protective equipment must be worn at all times. Helmet with full protective face mask, knee pads, sneakers or specialized broomball shoes and elbow pads must be worn. (No spikes or cleats allowed.) Play shall occur according to the regulations of play for the U.S. Broomball Association, as amended for intramural play.
    8. Any player who uses profanity or assaults a referee or any other player, will be immediately ejected from the game and from further intramural play.

    Goalie's Duties

    1. May only handle the ball within the crease.
    2. Entitled to use of the crease without interference.
    3. May not hold the ball longer than 3 seconds.
    4. The inbound throw must be to the side or behind the net. No forward motion allowed.
    5. The goalie may never cross red center line!

    Game Conduct

    1. Kicking the ball: legal, but the ball must remain below the lowest part of the plexiglass. A kicked ball may not score.
    2. Face-off: restarts play after a violation, a scored goal, or ball goes out of bounds.
    3. Handling the ball: ball may be knocked to the ice with hands. A shot may similarly be blocked using hands. Any attempt to pass the ball with the hands or to clear the ball will be blown dead. A face-off will be used to restart play.


    Players violating the following must spend two minutes in the box:

    1. High sticking
    2. Checking high kick (ball goes higher than the lowest part of the plexiglass)
    3. Throwing a stick
    4. Interference
    5. Cross-checking
    6. Tripping
    7. Holding


    1. Fighting, intentional injury or roughing.
    2. If a player is ejected from a game, they are subject to a disciplinary action from the IM Director before they can participate in any intramural activity.
  • Hockey

    Hockey-specific Rules

    1. Rosters are limited to 12 players.
    2. 6 players shall constitute a team (5 players plus a Goal Keeper). At the onset of play no team shall have fewer than 4 players including a Goal Keeper.
    3. Mercy Rule: Any game will end when a team is up 10 goals. The game may also be stopped if in the opinion of the officials, a team is trying to prolong a contest and undermine the 10 goal rule by failing to make a genuine effort to score another goal.
    4. A game shall consist of 3 fifteen minute periods. Three minutes will be allowed between periods of play and teams shall exchange ends between periods of regulation play. Each team will be allowed one "30 second" timeout per period. The clock will stop for injuries.
    5. Play shall occur according to A.H.A. regulations as amended for intramural play.
    6. Special rules for intramural hockey: (2 minute penalty)
      1. No body checking/cross checking
      2. No slap shots beginning from above the waist
      3. No lifting the puck to gain control
      4. No high sticking
      5. No frighting intentional injury or roughing
    7. Required mandatory equipment:
      1. helmet with full face mask
      2. knee and shin pads
      3. elbow pads
      4. hockey gloves
      5. hockey skates
      6. hockey or sweat pants, neck protection, cup, etc.
    8. Any player who assaults a referee or any other player will be immediately ejected from the game and from further intramural play.
  • Indoor Soccer

    Indoor Soccer-specific Rules

    1. Rosters are limited to 12 players, 8 males and 4 females.
    2. 5 players plus one goalie constitute a team. Minimum starting ratio is 3 males and 1 female. On the beginning of a game, no team shall have fewer than 4 players (this includes goalie).
    3. Mercy Rule: Any game will end when one team is up 10 goals.
    4. Games will be divided into two 20 minute running halves with a 3-minute halftime. Clock will stop for injuries.
    5. In case of a tie game a 3 minute sudden death. There are no substitutions allowed during the 3 minute sudden death. If after 3 minute sudden death the tie is not broken, a shootout with the 5 players that are currently on the floor (goalie not included) will take place. Females continue to score 2 points for a goal.
    6. Women score 2 points per goal.
    7. No sliding, high kicking, scissors kicking, or shooting within the goalie's crease.
    8. Shin guards are required. Play shall occur according to FIFA laws and regulations as amended for intramural play:
    9. Field of Play: The dimensions will be determined by the limitations of the Seawolf Sports Complex Gym.
    10. Kickoff: Starts when the ball moves at least one full rotation after the referee whistle. The kickoff can be taken in a forward direction in indoor soccer (modified for NIRSA Rules). Points will not be awarded for goals scored on a kickoff.
    11. Penalty areas will be marked before the start of the game. No indirect kicks by the attacking team allowed inside this area. The kick will be taken to the nearest point outside the area perpendicular to the goal wall.
    12. A player with a bleeding injury must be substituted for immediately. They can not re-enter the gym until the bleeding has stopped, the injury is bandaged, and all the blood is removed from the uniform.
    13. Fighting is automatically punished by a one-year suspension with the additional disciplinary action taken as necessary.


    • Goal Kick and Corner Throw: Any ball that contacts the brick wall will be considered out of bounds and a goal kick. They can place the ball anywhere within the penalty area to kick the goal kick. If the defending team kicks the ball out of bounds on the goal wall, a corner throw is awarded to the attacking team and is taken from a spot three feet away from the goal cover.
    • Direct Kick: Any handball, tripping, sliding, scissor or high kicking.
    • Penalty Mark: The penalty mark will be twelve steps from the goal line to the center of the goal wall. While taking the penalty shot, all players except the goalie and kicker must be outside the penalty area and ten feet (unless otherwise specified by referee) away from the penalty mark.
    • Out of Play: The ball is out of play and will be awarded as indirect kick for opposing team when it strikes the ceiling, lights or any fixtures. An indirect kick is awarded to the opposing team if a ball is kicked out of bounds. The ball should be placed no more than three feet (unless within the goalies crease) from the place the ball went out of bounds. Once the ball has been placed, the team has five seconds to kick the ball into play. If more time is taken, the kick is awarded to the opposite team. If the ball gets caught in the netting behind the goal, the ball is out of play. Any ball caught in the netting kicked by the defending team, a corner throw is awarded the attacking team. At least one foot must stay on the ground when attempting a corner kick.
    • Quarter Line: The offside rule does not apply to indoor soccer. Instead there are quarter line violations. It is a violation if while the goalie is in his/her crease, the ball is passed over the two red quarter lines in the air without contact being made by any player. If this violation occurs, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team in the center of the quarter line nearest to the goal being defended by the player committing the violation.
    • Fouls: A direct free kick is awarded when charges opponent into the wall. An indirect free kick is awarded when the goalkeeper does not distribute the ball within five seconds after gaining full control of the ball, or players do not kick into play after five seconds have passed any direct or indirect kicks awarded. Any non-penal infraction is the penalty area by the defensive team is taken to the nearest spot outside the penalty area with his/her hand until it has been played outside the penalty area by another player. An indirect free kick outside the penalty area is given for this infraction. All defenders behavior such as intentionally standing closer than two feet (except when it is close to the defenders goal), jumping in, etc., will not be tolerated.
  • Volleyball

    Volleyball-specific Rules

    1. Rosters are limited to 12 players; with a ratio of 8 men and 4 woman.
    2. 6 players shall constitute a team. Minimum starting ratio is 3 men and 1 woman. At the onset of a game, no team shall have fewer than 4 players.
    3. All matches consist of two out of the three games; 25 point rally scoring for the first two games and 15 point game for the tie breaker.
    4. Each team is allowed one, thirty-second timeouts during each game.
    5. Substitutions may be made upon notification to the official.
    6. Play shall occur according to USVBA rules as amended for intramural play.
    7. The server may stand anywhere along the end line to serve the ball.
    8. Service: The underhand, overhand, jump serve, and the sidearm serve may be used to put the ball in play.
    9. A participant may double contact the ball on serve receive or first dig, and this is considered one play and is legal. If two players hit the ball simultaneously it is considered one play and either player may hit the ball again.
    10. No blocking or offensive hitting on a serve.
    11. After service, any interchange of player positions may occur. All players must return to their original positions after the ball is called dead.
    12. A player may not touch the net or its cable while the ball is in play.
    13. It is legal to touch the center line with your foot, but not to go completely over it.
    14. A player from the back row may not jump and attack the ball in front of the ten foot line; but the follow-through may continue past the ten foot line.
    15. Boundaries:
      1. Lines are considered in play.
      2. If the offensive team hits the ball up into the ceiling, it is still in play, if it lands on the offensive team鈥檚 side, and is put over the net in the required three contacts. If the ball lands on the opposing or defensive side, it will be deemed a fault to the offensive team and a side out and point will be awarded.
    16. Violations:
      1. occurs when a team serves out of line-up order.
      2. occurs when the server hits the ball out of bounds, into the net or fails to hit it completely over the net.
      3. occurs when a player touches the net or breaks the plane of the net before the ball reaches that area.
      4. occurs when a team contacts the ball more than three times before it goes over the net.
      5. occurs when the ball is brought to a momentary stop before it goes over the net (lift or carry).
      6. a line violation occurs when a player crosses the center line or when the server steps on the line before contacting the ball.
    17. A block of an attack is not considered one of the three contacts for a side. Three contacts after a deflected attack may occur.
    18. An attack may occur with an open hand, or may occur with a closed fist or a closed cupped hand.
    19. Referee calls are final.
  • Water Polo

    Water Polo-specific Rules

    1. Number of players in the pool is 7; 4 men and 3 women. Minimum starting ratio is 3 men and 1 woman.
    2. Mercy Rule: Any game will end when one team is up 10 goals.
    3. Game regulation time will be 4 eight minute quarters. 2 minutes between quarters. Teams change ends each half. There are no time outs. The clock will stop for injuries.
    4. Goal Keeper area: From end of pool out five feet and entire width of the playing area. No other player is permitted in this area other than the goalie for safety reasons. All players with the exception of the goalie, must be seated in their tube. Goalkeepers may not stand on, hold, or push off goal cage to make a save or contact the ball. Goal will be awarded if infraction occurs.
    5. Penalty area: 20 feet from the end of the pool or 15 feet from Goal Keeper area line.


    • Scoring: One point for each goal scored; 2 points for a female; no score if goal is made from within five feet from end of pool; after goal is scored, opposing team is awarded ball by way of the goalie; ball in play on officials whistle.
    • Overtime Periods: When the game ends in a tied score sudden death is played immediately after the conclusion of regulation time. If a goal is not scored within the first 3 minutes of overtime, teams change ends. Play resumes for another sudden death period.
    • Drop Ball: Thrown ball by official into center of pool to start the game and at the start of each quarter. Players on each team must be in position in respective goal area back of the pool before the ball is thrown. Three passes must occur before a goal can be shot.
    • Free Throw: After minor infraction, non-violation team member nearest spot of infraction puts ball into play by passing or advancing with ball. Opponents may not touch, impede, or interfere with their attempt to pass the ball.
    • Out of Bounds Ball: A free-throw from the same point the ball went out will be awarded to the opposing team; player nearest to where the ball went out takes the throw.
    • Penalty Throw: By member of offensive team who has been fouled inside the penalty area line (12 feet from end of pool); all players except Goal Keeper must leave penalty area until the throw is taken. No player may be within 1 yard of thrower.
    • Delay of Game: If any player who possesses the ball doesn鈥檛 pass within 10 seconds, the ball will be awarded to opposing team for stalling.

    Minor Infractions

    Penalty-losing possession of the ball to other team by a Free Throw:

    1. Holding onto pool wall while in possession of ball.
    2. Holding the ball under water. Goal tender throwing the ball more than half
      the length of pool while he/she is in the goal area. They may throw the ball any
      distance when outside the goal area as they are the same status as any other player.
    3. Offensive or defensive player inside the goal area other than the goalie is penalized by being out of the pool for one minute.
    4. Opposing team member not making an attempt to get to half line after a goal is scored.

    Major Infractions

    1. Holding, pushing, hitting, jumping on, tackling, dunking, or dumping an opponent player not having possession of the ball. If this occurs within the penalty area, a direct throw at the goal is awarded plus one personal foul penalty is assessed and an indirect free throw.
    2. Goal keeper holding on to side of pool or goal cage while catching or throwing ball.
    3. Player persistently repeating a minor infraction, even after a referee warning.
    4. Intentional splashing to gain advance.

    Personal Fouls

    1. Free throw is awarded to the nearest opponent or a penalty throw at goal if the foul occurs in the penalty area
    2. Offending defensive player out of the pool and in penalty box for one  minute.
    3. Offensive foul results in a 鈥渢urnover鈥.

    Major Fouls

    Penalty-Offending player shall be removed from the game for the remainder of the game. They may be replaced by a substitute.

    1. Player attacking, striking, or kicking an opponent in such a manner as in the opinion of the referee, to endanger their opponent in any way; deliberately throwing the ball at an opponent with the intent of injury.
    2. Flagrantly refusing obedience to referees' request.
    3. Exhibiting unsportsmanlike conduct.

Rules Pertaining to All IM Sports


The most damaging thing to an IM program is forfeits. The team or individual who forfeits deprives the opponent the opportunity to compete. The IM department is disturbed when play space is reserved and officials hired only to stand idle. Everyone is demoralized by forfeits. Your registration and Acknowledgement of Risk and Release of Liability form is a contract with the IM Office to the effect that if we schedule you for competition, you will be there. Please honor that contract.

  • Game time is forfeit time. The minimum amount of players must be dressed and ready to play or a 1 point per minute/or a time penalty will be assessed to that team. After 15 minutes the game/match is forfeited for volleyball and basketball.  After 10 minutes the game is forfeited for soccer.
  • Any team that forfeits more than 3 games/matches may be dropped from the intramural schedule.
  • Teams which anticipate a hardship in fielding a team on a consistent basis should check with the IM department as soon as possible for immediate team restructure.
  • A team shall forfeit any contests in which it used an ineligible player, including inactive wait list players, or a player who participates under an assumed name.


The Intramural Director may at his/her discretion postpone events. Postponed contests will, when possible, be rescheduled. A scheduled contest may be postponed by the contestants for special reasons, if the request is made at least 24 hours in advance of the contest and there is unanimous agreement between both team captains and the Intramural Director. All postponements of this nature must be rescheduled and played within the time framework of the original tournament or league schedule.


All protests must be filed immediately after the incident. Only rule misinterpretations can be protested during the course of the game. Eligibility protests must be made prior to the start of a contest.

  • All protests will be first dealt with by the on site IM supervisor present at the contest.
  • If you disagree with the on-site decision, you may appeal the decision in writing to the Intramural Director within 24 hours.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

In order to encourage proper conduct during games, officials, supervisors, and administrative personnel shall make decisions on whether to warn, penalize, or eject players or teams for poor sportsmanship. These decisions are final. The following are considered to be evidence of poor sportsmanship: Profanity, striking or shoving an opponent or official, arguing with officials concerning judgment calls, derogatory and abusive remarks, any action with intent to physically harm another, any action which shows disregard for the rules or policies of the Intramural Department, unnecessary delay of game, participating under a false name, or any other violations of the Student Code of Conduct. The Intramural Director reserves the right to give official warning to participants against improper behavior or to suspend them from participation.

Students serving as officials, scorers, timers, and supervisors provide a valuable service. Remember that without them, there would be no program. Under no circumstances should these students be verbally abused or physically threatened. Persons involved in such actions will be suspended from further play and subject to additional disciplinary action.


Fighting, intentional injury or roughing. If a player is ejected from a game, they are subject to a disciplinary action from the IM Director before they can participate in any intramural activity.


For all regular IM co-ed team sports round robin, single elimination, or double elimination tournament(s) will be held near the end of the semester to determine the champions.


The most significant awards for active participation and success in the Intramural Sports Programs are not material. However, to provide participants with a tangible remembrance, specially designed awards are given to the individual, or team champions in each intramural sport. Awards to be presented in the various tournaments may include t-shirts or other awards offered by the department.