Survey Results

  • Graduate Exit Surveys

    The Graduate Exit Survey is administered in the Fall and Spring to graduating UAA students. It is designed to understand students' self-perceptions around core competency preparation, sense of engagement, usefulness of student support services and post-graduation plans. 

    Fall 2023 Graduate Exit Survey (PDF)

    Spring 2024 Graduate Exit Survey (PDF)

  • NSSE Snapshots

    UAA participates in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) every third year. UAA has worked with faculty and staff to thematically align the open comments from NSSE participants to one of the UAA core competencies. The data are presented below in word-cloud format to help protect the anonymity of participants while demonstrating the types of feedback UAA received in the most recent results.

    NSSE 2023 Snapshot (PDF)

    NSSE 2016 Snapshot (PDF)